Before & After on My Sister, Emily

I am absolutely obsessed with photoshop. I got it about five days ago and know absolutely nothing about it. What I can't figure out to do in Photoshop, I do in Gimp. Now, I'm no professional photographer, and I take criticism pretty hard, which makes it hard to do anything in life. I do, however, love to make over photographs. I always show the finished pics to my family only to get "oh, that's pretty good", which in my mind means "that looks like shit". Although I am no pro photographer ( I own a 6 megapixel camera from like the year 1999), I still love to pretend to be one. Even though the pictures I post may not be ready for the front page of Vogue, I am going to post them here. I would love criticism from strangers, because it's always easier than hearing it from family. I want to take every single comment into consideration, because I want to grow and be the photographer someone would be proud of. With that in mind, here goes my photography section.

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